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Jimbo Berkey

Hi! I'm a guy with a deep interest in the first recorded media of the modern era, basically the first half of the twentieth century, from around 1900 thru 1950 or so.

In 1902 Thomas Edison created wax cylinders that could hold recorded music, and for the first time in the history of the world, regular people could preserve and hear music in their home.

Before this, if you wanted to hear a great singer or band, you had to go to a theater and listen to them live. Then Thomas Edison invented wax cylinders that could record and save sounds, followed by 78rpm records. Soon moving picture film for movies was created, radio transmission and receivers were created, and then television.

The first movies, radio shows, and recorded music from 1895 to the 1950's literally chronicle the history of us – the cars we drove, the homes we lived in, the songs we sang, the stores we shopped in, the clothes we wore, the hair styles we thought were great.

For almost a decade I created and managed the largest privately owned web site in the world. offered several terabytes of public domain movies from the beginning of film through the 1930's and 1940's. I also created a very large website containing thousands of early radio shows that entertained the world before the creation of television. That era has passed for now, but I remain totally in love with the stories and people from our past.

I expected to earn my share of the 'fame and fortune' that every person strives for, but instead only earned poverty, grief, poor health and a desire to quit the rat race of life. Nothing I touched turned out well, and that only increased my anger at the world and the people around me.

Somehow, as I was hitting absolute bottom, I began a journey not for wealth, but for survival, and for anything that would move me even one step away from the poverty and grief that had become my closest friends.

I don't remember the first thing that turned me around, but somewhere during my slow transformation, as I started learning how to change my life, I began writing down some of the experiences that I was learning from, and assembled them into a book.

Then the Covid pandemic happened and I lost the job I had been working for twenty years. That should have been a terrible event that might destroy me, but it became the pathway to discover a new career that has become the best thing that could have ever happened.

I can now practice the lessons that I learned at a job that requires me to interact with company team members and customers. I can help my team become more efficient and productive, and together we can fulfill customer needs better than our competition.

I can, by example, demonstrate the methods of leveraging The Law of Contact to increase my financial, physical, emotional and spirutual abundance. The best thing about creating this abundance for myself is that at the same time I can help increase the abundance of the team members and customers that I encounter every day.

At the end of most days, I am not only a better person, but some of the people that I interact with go home better than they were when they started the day.

The Beginning of Wisdom

Jimbo Bookshelf —» 

One of the first bursts of changed thought was the realization that I was not created with any special talents to guarantee my success, but also was not created with any insurmountable barriers to success.

I love to read about how successful people got that way, and soon discovered that:

There are failures and very successful people in every endeavor known to man. If you want to become a lawyer, bricklayer, truck driver, poet, golddigger, musician, movie star, author, stockbroker, or any other worthy goal, you can become the best, wealthiest, wildly successful person, or you can struggle without ever reaching the top. It is entirely up to you.

You don't need to look far to learn that what separates the best from the worst is not the color of their skin, the wealth of their parents, the level of their formal education, or any other thing that may be beyond their control.

This means one of two things:

1. The fickle finger of fate makes one person wealthy and successful and another person poor and struggling by mere chance alone. There is nothing that the successful person can do to fall from the heights, and there is nothing that the struggling person can do to climb the ladder of success. . . .

. . . or . . .

2. The successful person thinks, plans and performs differently than the struggling person. Because of this different thought process, the successful person acts differently, and gets different results. If I want to change my future, I must change my mind.

When the successful person faces a crisis or an opportunity, the successful person thinks differently and acts differently, and the results are different. There is a zero amount of random chance in the future of the successful person. The successful person acts in harmony with the people and forces around him, and enduring failure is not even possible.

That realization led me step-by-step towards becoming a totally different person, by "changing my mind," literally and intentionally.

I began with one simple change, and soon I was racing towards becoming a new person. My empty wallet became fuller every week, every month, as I learned and practiced the life-lessons that I discovered.

As I write this, I have the opportunity to influence hundreds of people a week. I can deliberately say or do something that will gently bump them to a better place. And that never fails to increase my health, wealth, spiritual and emotional well-being. I cannot experience life-changing failure, and I am always enjoying unexpected abundance.

To Change My Life, I Must Change My Mind

I discovered that there are simple mental exercises and easy things to do and say when I meet people during my day that will increase my wealth, health and spiritual joy. The simple tasks that I continue to do every day create the pathway to receiving amazing abundance financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

As I continued to learn how to increase my 'good luck', I began writing down some of the things I learned that continue to be a core part of my being. I assembled some of these experiences into a story book, sharing a few of my life-changing experiences while practicing The Law of Contact.

The Law of Contact Book


1 — The Beginning of Wisdom
2 — Learning to Bump
3 — My Horrible Failure
4 — Ho oponopono
5 — Ugly Victor
6 — The Lottery Tickets
7 — Raking Leaves
8 — Reverse Ho oponopono
9 — Cold Coffee
10 — The Evil Within
11 — I am Guilty
12 — The Power of Pain
13 — How to Make Money
14 — Two Ice Cream Shops
15 — Winners and Losers
16 — When Everything Goes Wrong
17 — What am I Worth?
18 — When The End is Near
19 — Talk to the Bear
20 — Nothing But the Truth
21 — Creating Wealth part 1
22 — Creating Wealth part 2
23 — Creating Wealth part 3
24 — Only Two People
25 — Learning to Pray
26 — Stealing Gasoline
27 — Lunch with Beggars
28 — Lunch with Beggars, Again
29 — Planning Random Impulses

Jimbo Berkey
PO Box 11
Niles OH 44446

+1 330.307.5324